
Tank showers

Model specifications
Article number 999999979
Meets CE EN 15154 & ANSI Z 358.1
Frame material STAINLESS STEEL
Material sheathing tank Fiberglass reinforced polyester
Water yield 15 minutes (80 liters per minute)
Tank Capacity 1250 ltr
Tank v.v. Float valve, overflow pipe and test lever
Water connection 3/4" BSP
Minimum pre-pressure 0.5 bar G
Operation body shower Stainless Steel Pull Lever
Operation eye shower Lid operation

Article number 999999979
Meets CE EN 15154 & ANSI Z 358.1
Frame material STAINLESS STEEL
Material sheathing tank Fiberglass reinforced polyester
Water yield 15 minutes (80 liters per minute)
Tank Capacity 1250 ltr
Tank v.v. Float valve, overflow pipe and test lever
Water connection 3/4" BSP
Minimum pre-pressure 0.5 bar G
Operation body shower Stainless Steel Pull Lever
Operation eye shower Lid operation
Model specifications
Article number 999999979
Water flow 15 minutes
Tank capacity 1250 Ltr
Water connection 3/4"
Minimum pre-pressure 0.5 bar G
Operation body shower Pull handle
Operation Eyebath Lid control

Article number 999999979
Water flow 15 minutes
Tank capacity 1250 Ltr
Water connection 3/4"
Minimum pre-pressure 0.5 bar G
Operation body shower Pull handle
Operation Eyebath Lid control

General specifications

The MB 1500 1250 liter Tank Shower / Plens Shower / Body Shower standard suitable for outdoor installation frost protected or in hot areas chilled water and locations where there is no fixed water supply or too little pre-pressure. The body shower unit is well insulated and suitable for outdoor installation (frost protected). In addition, the tank shower can provide pleasant hot water for both the body shower and the eye shower, if ordered as an option. If you choose the Eyebath as extra option the Tank Shower is standard combined with the MB 75 Eyebath / Face wash with an impact resistant "unbreakable" plastic container and a hinged lid (including pictogram). This lid is also the control for the Eyebath (tilt back and the water starts flowing immediately). If the lid is closed again the eyebath stops automatically. This lid keeps the eyebath clean and hygienic. On the inside of the lid is a mirror. This model is a larger version than the model MB 50. The tank shower is also available with a cooling unit (chiller) so that the water is cooled in a hot environment. Pictograms and a test lever are standard equipment. The test lever is useful to easily test the body shower from the outside. The frame is made of stainless steel and the tank is covered with a fiberglass reinforced polyester material. The body shower or splash shower has a special shower head / Nozzle (spray angle 60° and gives rotation to the water) for effective and efficient operation or low pressure shower head. Operation is by means of a push lever ("Panic-Bar" push down). The body shower sprays as standard for 15 minutes (80 liters per minute), depending on the nozzle, the tank shower can provide a good spray for longer periods of time. It is also possible to connect the tank shower to a fixed water supply (then the tank shower remains operational), but this is not necessary. If the water tank is filled the tank shower will function properly. The tank shower is available with a large skala of additional options. This tank shower unit is standard suitable for Normal Zone and is also available in ATEX execution.

All product options:
  • heating
  • cooler (chiller)
  • eye shower (MB 75)
  • remote alarm
  • lighting
  • hand shower
  • foot pedal control
  • automatic refresh unit for flushing
  • PVC slats
  • audual/visual alarm
  • side walls (3 pieces)
  • level indicator
  • level and temperature alarm
  • temperature indicator (thermometer)
  • level indicator
  • stepping grid
  • collector
  • anti bacterial growth systems
  • more tank shower(s) options available upon request

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